June 03, 2010



Manx race came from a small island in England called the Isle of Man. Manx is one of the oldest cat races ever registered. Manx is also one race that occurs naturally. The main feature of Manx is a short tail or no tail at all and short fur. Similar to race relations and exotic shorthair persians, Manx with long hair are classified into one another of different races, the race Cymric (pronounced KIM KUM Rik or rik).

Many stories and myths related to Manx and how he lost his tail. One myth tells how the Manx lost its tail in the days of Noah. One story says there was a cat arrived late at the time of Noah’s Ark ready to go. Because a hurry to close the door, the door was hit and cut the cats that eventually became the ancestors Manx race.
Another myth tells of the early dogs were on board Noah did not like cats. Dog biting a cat’s tail until the end. When the ship stopped at Ararat, the cat escaped and swam to the nearest island is now known as the Isle of Man. Eventually the cat and their offspring do not have tails.
Despite all these myths, Manx is a cat who had a genetic mutation. Mutation is associated with the development of the spine. Tailless gene is dominant (cover / tail beat the normal gene). The term â € € œSindrom Manxâ?? used to indicate a genetic disorder in the human spine and other animals.
Manx breeding should be watched closely. Manx who has two short tail genes (homozygous) generally die and miscarriages due to spinal disorders. The fetus is usually dead cats removed in a time of birth. Therefore, a breeder must be careful when marrying two tailless Manx. Something similar happened to the Scottish fold races who have genetic mutations in the cartilage.
Manx race was known in the British before the birth of Cat Fancy in the country in 1870. Then became popular in the U.S. in the year 1930.
Manx is a cat who is active and likes to play. This cat can jump higher than we can imagine. This capability is supported by the hips and rear legs are strong. Manx is also known as â € € œone cata person?? € or â € œone cata family??. Once he was bound and living with one person or one family, usually rather difficult to live and adapt to people or other families.
There are three forms of the resulting tails are: Dimple rumpy / rumpy, without a tail at all (he may take the show); Riser / Riser rumpy have little tails dipangkalnya; Stumpy, has a partial tail, longer than rumpy but shorter than longy; Longy , tail length to normal.
Body size Manx is very short compared to other races, with a wide chest and spine curved to hip. Location of the hips higher than shoulders because the hind legs longer and more powerful than the front legs.
Another distinctive feature is a round head with prominent cheeks. Color matching the color of nose hairs. Short and thick necks and big eyes, round, although the color does not match the hair color. Ear size is, the lower part widened with curved tip, where the two apart.
Manx fur consists of two layers, short and thick. Almost all colors are recognized as colourpoint, bicolour, solid and tabby.

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