June 03, 2010



Early 1930s, Dr. Joseph Thompson of San Francisco imported a dark brown female cat from Burma. Cat named Wong Mau. Because at that moment no cat with the same race, Wong wanted mated with a Siamese cat. Some kids want to have Wong siamese cat characteristics, this indicates that the Burmese cat Wong want is not pure, but the Tonkinese. Because if wong want is Burmese, all the kids with Siamese cats must tonkinese (mink pattern). Wong is known as a cat would tonkinese first.
After several generations, began to produce kittens with three different colors and stable properties. The cats were obtained by mating with mink mink-colored cat again.
Burmese race known in the U.S. since 1936 and is recognized by the CFA in 1947. At that time only recognized color Sable, and the early 1960s began to produce other colors. Breeder in the UK's first Burmese imports from U.S. in 1947 and was recognized by its presence there in 1952.
Burmese Characteristics
When viewed from the front, a round head shape and curved towards the skull. UK race was modified so it does not resemble Siamese with both ears sufficient distance away. If the note form of some Burmese head varies, the size of the ear was, widened at the bottom and a pointed tip. Eyes wide with a rounded top eye line characterizes the typical oriental. Eye color golden yellow with greenish yellow shadow, gold eye color is preferred.
Body medium-sized but heavy. Pungung line flat, curved and chest perototan a pretty good show. Legs proportionally with body size, tail straight and medium length, the base is not too large.
Short hairs, smooth and shiny with a texture like satin. For the purposes of the contest, GCCF receive all coat colors, while the CFA recognizes only four colors are: Sable (brown), champagne (chocolate), blue and platinum (lilac).

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