June 03, 2010



United States
In 1967 the owner of Cattery Neotype named Jennie Robinson (New York). Buying a pair of cats named Thomas and Shirley, which is part of the sales package of a home. The cats are brown, furry semi longhair and semi-foreign body type. Not much is known about the background of the two cats.
Two years later, Shirley gave birth to six kittens. All of these kittens like her mother, brown solid. Jennie Robinson later decided to start a breeding program cat. Beginning in 1970 registering Jennie Robinson Thomas, Shirley and all his descendants in the ACA (American Association of paint) as a Foreign Ras-Longhairs.
Some breeders think cats is a Burmese descent. But the children cat fur with dark pink color of your foot or brown. Not colored sepia (dark brown) that are characteristic Burmese. Almost all cats All the cats of this breed USA descended from Thomas and Shirley; none arose from donor Were Bred to Burmese.
Some cats are sold to Sigyn Lund (Sig Tim Hil Cattery), a woman and race Burmese cat breeder from Florida. He also introduced the term Ras Tiffany. Since the number of cats that a little, not long before Tiffany ACA eliminate from the list of their race.

Canada Around the year 1973, when Robinson and Lund breed this race in the U.S., an owner of land in Canada was surprised because in his house appeared a cat brown, furry yellow-eyed semi longhair. The cat gave birth to children who like his mother.
The kittens are rescued by a cat breeder with the goal to preserve the back of race Tiffany. Working together with Robinson and Lund, they seek to develop these races in North America. Who had lost the race to know the 70s are reappearing in the late 80's with the colors and color patterns more interesting. In 1992, the Canadian breeders try to change the name of the Chantilly races, because in England the other races (longhair version of the Burmilla) using a name similar to the spelling that was changed, that is Tiffanie. Ras then registered as Chantilly Tiffany, Tiffany or Chantilly / Tiffany depending club / association.

Chantilly / Tiffany cats are medium sized, semi-foreign body type and weight of 4-5 kg. Approached the triangular shape of the head, short snout and wide and small chin. Wide cheekbones, ears are wide at the base bagain and facing forward.
Tomcat heavier than female cats, both have tails decorated with soft fur and mane around the neck. Only the orange eye color (gold), sometimes accompanied by a green area that surrounds the pupil.
One characteristic of this race is a brown color. Tiffany is now more diverse colors, like Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Cinnamon and Fawn with solid color patterns or Tabby. Black is the color of the most rare. The breeders try to breed the cat with its original color, namely chocolate. Tiffany, who has white patches can not be registered.

Chantilly / Tiffany cats, including a loyal and close easily with humans. This cat is not œsemalasâ € â €? persia but also not as active as the oriental race. These cats are usually closer to one person in the family.

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