1. neck, consists of 7 pieces of bone (cervical vertebrae)
2. shoulder, scapula (Scapulla)
3. vertebrae, 13 thoracic vertebrae
4. vertebrae, 7 lumbar vertebrae
5. spine, vertebrae 3 bones joined together sacralis
6. pelvic bones (ischium)
7. thigh bone (femur)
8. fibula (calf bone)
9. tibia (calf bone)
10. ankle (Tarsus)
11. soles of the feet (meta Tarsus)
12. finger (phalank)
13. coccyx, 18-23 vertebrae bone coccigea
14. knee cap (patella)
15. rib
16. palm of hand (meta carpus)
17. claw
18. the wrist (carpus)
19. ulna (bones of the hand)
20. radius (bones of the hand)
21. the humerus (elbow bone)
22. breast bone (sternum)
23. lower jaw (mandible)
24. upper jaw (maxilla)
25. bone head
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