Cats are considered as “perfect carnivore” with teeth and digestive tract in particular. Premolar and molar teeth first formed a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear meat. Although this feature is also found in the Canidae or dog family, but this feature is better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats do not eat almost anything that contains plants. Bears and dogs sometimes eat fruit, roots, or honey as a supplement if there while cats only eat meat, usually fresh game. In captivity, cats can not be adapted to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need by eating only plants; unlike dogs, are often fed a mixture of meat products and vegetables and sometimes can be adapted to a vegetarian diet is total.
Despite having a reputation as a reclusive animals, cats usually can establish wild colonies but did not attack in groups like lions. Each cat has its own country (males who are sexually active has the largest area, being male sterile has the smallest area) and there is always the “neutral” where the cats can watch each other or meet without the territorial conflict or aggression. Outside these neutral areas, local authorities will pursue common foreign cats, beginning with the staring, hissing, growling up, and if the foreign cats stay, usually a short fight. Cats who are fighting to uphold the body hair and arch your back so they look bigger. The attack usually consists of a slap in the face and body with front legs sometimes with bite. Serious injuries due to fights in cats are rare because the losing party will usually run away after suffering several wounds on his face. Active males are usually more frequently involved in fights throughout his life. This is evident in the various wounds on the face, like a nose or ears. Female cat sometimes getting into fights to protect her children even sterile cat will defend small areas with persistent.
View of cats behavior of current, which is a wild cat ancestors of domesticated cats estimated to evolve at a desert climate. Cats pleased with the warm atmosphere and often slept under the sun. Litter is usually dry and cats prefer to bury them in sandy places. Cats can be frozen, not moving for a long time especially when you’re stalking prey or getting ready to “pounce”. In North Africa were found in wild cats that may be closely related to ancestral cat today.
Because it has a close kinship with the desert animals, cats resistance to heat and cold temperate climate rather limited. Cats are not resistant to fog, rain, and snow, although there are several types such as Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon can survive and try to maintain normal body temperature, ie 39 ° C, in wet conditions. Most cats do not like to soak in water, with the exception of Turkish Van.
Pregnancy or gestation period in cats range from 63 days. Kittens are born blind and deaf. Their eyes just opened at the age of 8-10 days. The kitten will be weaned by its mother at the age of 6-7 weeks and sexual maturity is reached at age 10-15 months. Cats can contain 4 as well as her womb the fetus has a special form with 4 different sections.
Cats typically weigh between 2.5 to 7 pounds and rarely exceed 10 kg. If fed too much, cats can reach 23 kg body weight. But this condition is very unhealthy for the cats and should be avoided. In captivity, cats can live for 15 to 20 years old, the oldest known cat 36 years old. Pet cats are not permitted to leave the house and sterilized to live longer (reducing the risk of fights and accidents). Wild cats that live in the modern urban environment to live only for 2 years or even less than that.
Pet cat who lived in the house must be given the litter box containing sand or special materials that are sold in pet stores. There should also be provided a special place for cats to scratch. This is important because cats need scratching activity is to shed the old layers of nails on the nails in order to stay sharp and maintained health. The absence of this special place will cause a lot of damage cat furniture.
Cats often choose food behavior. This is because they have a special organ of smell in the roof of the mouth called the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson’s organ. When an organ is stimulated by a particular type of food, a cat will refuse food other than food.Cats can see in very bright light. They have the iris or the iris of the eye to form a gap to be narrowed. However, it also reduces the narrowing of the field of view of a cat. An organ called the tapetum lucidum is used in environments with little light. These organs causes colored cat’s eye when he was photographed with a flash. Like most predators, cats eyes facing forward, producing the perception of distance and reduce the size of the field of view. Cat’s eye has a weak perception trikomatik.

Cats have a third eyelid called niktitans membrane. The third eyelid is composed of a thin layer that can cover the eye and appear as a cat’s eyes open. This membrane partially closed when the cat is sick. Sometimes a cat very sleepy or happy also shows this membrane.
A cat is often written “meow” in Indonesian. In the English language used in America, a cat is written “meow”. In the UK alone, the writing is “miaow”, “miaow” in French, “miau” in German, “it” in Japanese, and various other writing in various languages. Voice “meow” cat has various meanings depending on the pronunciation of the cat. Cats can also sound like a long snore often favored men. Because the sound is not a vowel sound, the cat may issue snoring and meowing at the same time.
Generally, all cats ears erect. Unlike dogs, cats with folded ears is very rare. Type the Scottish Fold is one of the cats with a rare genetic mutation of this. When angry or scared, cat ears this type will be bent back while the cat let out a growl or hiss. When listening to a sound, the cat ears will move toward the sound source; cat ears can lead to the front, to the side, even if looking back.
Cats are clean animals included. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair. Saliva or their saliva is a powerful cleaning agent, but can trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes a cat vomit hairball or curler that collect in their stomachs.
Cats save energy by sleeping more often than other animals. Old cat to sleep varies between 12-16 hours per day, with the average 13-14 hours. But it is not uncommon for a cat who slept 20 hours in a day.
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