
Another story was popular enough, maine coon from the six pet cats which Marie Antoinette sent to Wiscasset (Maine) when he was planning to escape from France during the French revolution.
Most cat breeders think this race marriages generated from domestic cats with the cats, long-haired from other countries. Two alleged racial cat became the ancestors Maine Coon is a cat Angora (allegedly taken by the British merchants) and the Norwegian Forest Cat (brought to America by the Vikings). Regardless of whether or not true these allegations, the physical form of Norwegian Forest cat is similar to the Maine Coon.
Maine Coon was recorded as the first contestant in the year 1861 cat. in 1895, a female Maine Coon cat brown tabby-colored with Cosie name, won the contest cat at Madison Square Garden.
Declining popularity of this race in the 1900s, defeated by the popularity of Persian cats. New in 1950 races begin again developed, registered and included in the contest cat. In 1968 six of Maine coon cat breeders to join and form a “Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association (MCBFA)” to defend and preserve this race. In 1980 the Maine Coon is recognized by all cat lovers organization as one race with its own characteristics and standards. Currently in Indonesia also has some Maine Coon breeders.
Maine coon “original” has more toes than any other cat. The advantages of this finger is called genetic polidactyl and dominant. Although there are some special cat breeders maintain the original nature of this, most modern maine coon no longer carry the gene polidactyl. Most organizations and clubs did not allow the cat world cat polidactyl contest, as a result maine coon bred polidactyl not much more.
Characteristics of the Maine Coon
All member maine coon body is the result of the function of adaptation to climate and extreme weather. Fur shiny, thick and “anti-water”, and the thick fur at the neck, abdomen and feet serve to protect the body from the snow and cold temperatures. Long tail with a thick fur, during sleep curled around to protect the body from cold temperatures. Eyes and big ears reflect the ability of vision and hearing more.
All member maine coon body is the result of the function of adaptation to climate and extreme weather. Fur shiny, thick and “anti-water”, and the thick fur at the neck, abdomen and feet serve to protect the body from the snow and cold temperatures. Long tail with a thick fur, during sleep curled around to protect the body from cold temperatures. Eyes and big ears reflect the ability of vision and hearing more.
Maine coon has a high body, muscular and big boned. Adult male cats usually have a weight from 6 to 9 kg with a body length of 1m, while females are usually smaller with weight 4-6 kg. With the addition of winter fur which can reach lengths of 7 cm, maine coon look very large. Maine coon cat largest ever recorded has a body length (from head to tail) 121 cm.
Sepertihalnya Norwegian Forest cat and big cats other, including the Maine coon is the type of slow growth and development. The size and shape of the new adult body is reached at age 3 – 5 years.
Maine Coon cat who is close to humans, not fully independent but not necessarily looking for the owner’s attention. Compared persia who prefer to sleep lap, maine coon more active and likes to be close around the owner.
Maine Coon cat who is close to humans, not fully independent but not necessarily looking for the owner’s attention. Compared persia who prefer to sleep lap, maine coon more active and likes to be close around the owner.
Physical characteristics
The main feature of maine coon physically present in the head, body shape, hair texture and hair around the neck resembling a lion’s mane.
The main feature of maine coon physically present in the head, body shape, hair texture and hair around the neck resembling a lion’s mane.
Large bodies, long, almost rectangular, pertulangan and strong perototan. Head of medium size and width, forehead slightly curved, with prominent cheekbones perototan clear. Nose broad and slightly curved at the tip with a sharp chin.
Big ears and wide at the bottom, forming a pointed bit at the edges, and covered her ears in a long fur. Eyes wide and slightly oval, appear round when wide open.
The length of neck moderate and strong, and slightly curved. Legs are long with pertulangan and perototan strong. Tail length and width at the base and thinning to the end, quite thick tail feathers. Thick, soft fur, short on the head, shoulders and legs, a bit long in the back and thighs, stomach and neck while longer. Undercoat soft and resistant to water, because the feathers a bit oily
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