Norway cats often appear in fairy-tales of Norway. Mentioned, Norway is the common cat family maintained Viking. In the early 16th century NFC described as a cat with a large body, long legs, thick tail books and has ears like a feather on the tip of the antenna. Like his ancestors are adept at catching fish in the fund and the river, Norway cats also like water. In some fairy tales they are called as â € œ periâ cat €??.
NFC which we know today is the result of breeding that his ancestors had suffered by natural selection. Only a strong cat with thick fur and Aira œanti € â €? which can survive in Norway’s forests with a hostile climate. Cats Norway now quite popular, especially in Scandinavia. In Indonesia there has been any racial cat breeders who breed these.
In accordance with the climatic regions of origin, this cat hair will get longer in the winter and started to fall out in the spring. Adult cats have fur around the neck and a thick neck. Cats with dark colors tend to have shorter hair than light colored cats, or white. Even color patterns as varied as any other cat except for the colors of points as in the Himalayan and Siamese. Unlike the Persian race, norway not require much grooming (sweep).
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