June 08, 2010

Kittens Keep Survive After Washed in Washing Machine

SYDNEY - Love once the fate of the kitten, named Kimba. This type of Persian cat washing machine washed in a high speed.

The owner was shocked absurdly, when finished washing machine and opened the cover, see that poor kitten out. Thick white furry cat that looks wet, dizzy, and terrified.

"He suffered from shock. I do not think if he can survive the washing machine scouring," said the owner, Brendon Rogers, in Manly Vale, Sydney, Australia, quoted by Reuters on Friday (28/05/2010).

Four-month-old cat that seems to breathe out of breath and his eyes were in pain. This is caused by soapy water that tore during the "wash".

Presumably, these pet into the machine, when the owner was busy sorting choose clothes that will be cleaned.


Ailurophilia construed as an excessive fondness for cats. Ailurophilia is the opposite of meaning ailurophobia exaggerated fear of cats.

Normally, a cat owner would have loved cats. To feed every day, vitamins, vaccines routinely or bathing and combing hair cat. Holding and stroking her cat soft fur would have become their daily activities. This affection will be stopped or reduced after the cat died. Cat owners gradually began to forget the cat or look for another cat as a substitute.

Lainhalnya with Asperger ailurophilia. Sense of ownership and the excessive affection did not stop when the cat died. They save his dead cats in freezer (refrigerator). In some severe cases, up to hundreds of carcasses stored in freezers. The ailurophilia sufferers are often also called Cat Collector.

Cat Flu

Flu disease often occur in cats, especially in cats that have not been vaccinated and easily communicable to other cats. The disease is rarely fatal in adult cats but can be fatal if the kitten attacked. Although in adult cats rarely fatal, disease symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing can last long enough. Therefore, routine preventive vaccination is the best course of action.

What is cat flu?
Cat flu is a disease in cats is usually caused by infection with one or a combination of several viruses (calici virus and herpes virus) and bacteria.

How does this disease spread?

Maneki Neko's Legend

Many Japanese legend which tells the origin of Maneki Neko. Of the seven known legend, there are three of the most famous. Ie Goutokuji Temple Legend, showgirl Usugumo of Yoshiwara and legends old woman from Imado.

Legend of  Goutokuji Temple

In the early Edo period (17th century) there is a temple located in Setagaya, west of Tokyo. The temple priest keep a cat named Tama. The pastor often speaks and sometimes a little complained to Tama about the poor condition of the temple. "Tama, although I take care of the poor in this temple, could you do something for this temple?", Hoping the preacher at the Tama.
One time, a ruler of Hikone district (western part of Tokyo), named Naotaka Li's home hunting. He avoids the rain shelter under a large tree located in front of the temple gate. A cat signaling naotaka invited to take shelter in the temple genbang. Not long after naotaka shelter at the temple gate, a large tree was struck by lightning. Naotaka's life was saved thanks to Tama.