June 08, 2010

Cat Flu

Flu disease often occur in cats, especially in cats that have not been vaccinated and easily communicable to other cats. The disease is rarely fatal in adult cats but can be fatal if the kitten attacked. Although in adult cats rarely fatal, disease symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing can last long enough. Therefore, routine preventive vaccination is the best course of action.

What is cat flu?
Cat flu is a disease in cats is usually caused by infection with one or a combination of several viruses (calici virus and herpes virus) and bacteria.

How does this disease spread?
Acting like human flu, cat flu has also spread through saliva, sneezing liquids / droplets containing the virus. These droplets spread through sneezing, direct contact or indirectly via equipment (where food, drinks, pens, etc.) contaminated with the virus. Indirect contact can also occur through human touch, so wash your hands with soap / antiseptic after handling sick cats so as not to infect other cats.

The incubation period of this disease may reach three weeks, meaning that the cat may not show symptoms until three weeks had the flu since the virus attack. During the three weeks the cats could spread the virus, although it did not look sick.

How the signs of cat flu attacked?
Flu-like symptoms of cat flu in humans. At the start with sustainable sneezing, fever, appetite is reduced or lost altogether, weak, listless, followed by a cough, red and watery eyes. Signs of the disease usually begin to decrease after 7 days and return to its original state within 2-3 weeks. In some cases, the disease can cause a kind of thrush in the mouth and cause the cat pain when eating.

Is flu contagious to humans cats?
No. Different flu virus in cats with flu viruses that infect humans.

Does cat flu can be treated?
Unfortunately until now there is no cure for cat flu. See your veterinarian immediately if symptoms of this disease occur in your cat. Providing drugs such as antibiotics to prevent secondary infection is more caused by bacteria. Other drugs that are given are usually aims to reduce flu symptoms such as lowering the heat, relieve respiratory and eliminate excessive respiratory secretions. The rest depends on the cat's immune system itself.
In cats with the condition and good nutrition, this flu will recover itself in 2-3 weeks. Although the cat did not eat, try any food that comes into the body by fed, so the cat still has the energy and good nutrition to combat the flu virus.

Does an infected cat can come back healthy Flu?
Usually a cat who got the flu back to health in a few weeks. In some cases the infection and symptoms last longer, Cats look always sneezing and runny nose for several months. This can cause conditions unfavorable and cats prone to other diseases.

Should be given vitamins or supplements?
Vitamins and supplements can help improve the condition of the immune system and a sick cat. Consult with your veterinarian vitamins / supplements that fit along with the dose.

Are Vaccinations can heal a sick cat flu?
More of a routine vaccination is not 100% pencegahan.Vaksinasi protect cats from disease. In the cat who routinely vaccinated, even though the flu is usually not severe and heal faster.

Five Minutes of Veterinary Consult
Felis Vetstream
The Merck Veterinary Manual 7th ed

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