June 08, 2010


Ailurophilia construed as an excessive fondness for cats. Ailurophilia is the opposite of meaning ailurophobia exaggerated fear of cats.

Normally, a cat owner would have loved cats. To feed every day, vitamins, vaccines routinely or bathing and combing hair cat. Holding and stroking her cat soft fur would have become their daily activities. This affection will be stopped or reduced after the cat died. Cat owners gradually began to forget the cat or look for another cat as a substitute.

Lainhalnya with Asperger ailurophilia. Sense of ownership and the excessive affection did not stop when the cat died. They save his dead cats in freezer (refrigerator). In some severe cases, up to hundreds of carcasses stored in freezers. The ailurophilia sufferers are often also called Cat Collector.
In one case that occurred in Nebraska, police investigating the overpowering smell that comes from a settlement. In a house the police found 270 cats, 58 of them have been dead tails and stored in a freezer with a dead squirrel, possum, pigeons and several dead rabbits. Home owner is a woman who has permission to run a cattery (breeding / breeding cats). The woman was charged in court on charges of animal neglect and 17-year-old son. Sons were found living among filth police cats and the cats are sick.

In another case in Arizona, a man was found dead cats in freezer store with his wife's body wrapped in a blanket and œdry iceâ € â €??. Men are meant to revive his wife when the technology already exists.

In California, a husband and wife found 394 dead cats kept in the freezer. They also maintain the 150 cats with a pathetic condition and seized a variety of diseases. The cats are infected of respiratory illnesses, diarrhea, and leukemia. Only six Tigers who managed to recover and be saved.

U.S. authorities estimated that every year there are approximately 2000 cases œCat Collectorâ € â €??. Many of these collectors are required to attend psychological therapy or imprisoned by the demands of œanimal abuseâ â € €??. (BBC)

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