June 03, 2010



A geneticist and breeder cats in California attempted to cross the Asian Leopard Cat with the American Shorthair. Hybridization was conducted to find patterns of wild-catâ œspotted â € €? on domestic cats. Furthermore, children of female offspring is crossed back with his father to produce kittens with spotted pattern which was then known as the race of Bengal. This race is descended from the wild-cat and is still rarely encountered.
Bengal name itself comes from the Asian Leopard Cat's scientific name is often referred to as the Bengal Tiger.
Dr 1973. Centerwall of California University to continue the program in order to obtain crossing the Asian Leopard Cat Feline Leukemia resistant to disease caused by a virus. Year 1983 was registered in the club races TICA, Fife has only recently admitted it. Bengal recently introduced in France in 1991.
In February 1998, bengal cat named Cato, holds the record for most expensive cat in the world. Cato purchased by Cindy Jackson (London, UK) at a price $ 41,435 (Approximately USD 373 Million). Cindy himself was a world record holder as the person who underwent plastic surgery the most ever. Cat most expensive record lasted until 2005.
Physical Characteristics With a great physique and handsome, bengal get some physical characteristic which is the ancestral wildcat. Adult female cat has a weight of about 4-5 pounds, while male cats can reach verat 10 Kg.
Bengal cat's head forms a large and rather long, but smaller than the portion of his body. Great neck, long and muscular, balanced with the size of the head. Big nose and wide, while the skin is red nose with black outlines. Ear medium, and facing the future. Eyes wide and round like almond, green or amber.
Very unique color pattern that is Tabby bengal spotted a blackish color, brown, or cinnamon, and black horizontal lines the shoulder section, and circle-shaped rings on the tail with dark tip. Orange ground color is preferred. Also known as Tabby classic pattern that looks like a pattern of oysters in the thigh and a butterfly pattern in the shoulder.
Nature and Temperament Ras Bengal cats are intelligent and active. One of his trademark is a fondness for water, they do not mind some of his body soaked with water. They love to bathe and soak in the bathtub with the owner.
Lately, several home-based Bengal cats showed the nature and behavior disorders. The cats showed a fairly strong hunting instinct and injured children. In Australia, this race had banned because it was considered somewhat dangerous maintained. Excessive hunting instinct is apparently arise due to faulty maintenance.

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