June 03, 2010

Famous Cat Lovers

Prophet Muhammad saw 570-632
Willing to cut his robe, which was laid by her beloved cat to sleep so as not to disturb the cat.
Pettrach 1304-1374
Seoranga poet, after the dead cat was dead and then embalmed.
Cardinal Richelieu in 1585-1642
Provide a special room in the church for her beloved cat and always fed chicken head every other day.
Sir Wiston Churchill 1875-1965
Always enjoy a meal with her little cat.

Albert Schweitzer 1875 -1965
A doctor who writes with his left hand, but could also write with his right hand when her beloved cat was sleeping on his left hand.
Abraham Lincoln
Berwarana tabby cat has, is the first cat in the White House.
Alexader Dumas
The writer Three Musketeers has a cat named Mysouff. The cat has the ability to know when the time his master would finish work or home late.
Jimmy Carter’s daughter has a number of cats, including Siamese race named â € œMisty Malarky Ying Yangâ €??
Renoir & Monet
This French artist loved cats and often shows a cat in some of his paintings.
Charles Dickens
Have several cats, one known as Masterâ Cat € ™ s capable of blowing out the candles to take the attention Dickens.
Dr. Samuel Johnson
A first lexicographer had a cat named Hodge. Johnson used to eat cat meberi various special foods such as crabs.
Edgar Allan Poe & Mark Twain
While Edgar is often used cats as symbols of scary in a story, but he is a cat lover as well as his friend Mark Twain.
Edwar Lear
As with writers known poem â € œThe funny Owel and Pussy cata €??. Foss named his cat and the cat was dead buried in a garden owned by Lear in Italy.
Ernest Hemingway
Has 30 cats, one of which has 6 toes.
Egyptian Sultan
In the 13 th century Egyptian sultan gave all his wealth for cats terlanyar in Cairo, For several years these cats get a free meal every day.
Florence Nightingale
Persian cat has a very large named Bismarck.
Horace Wadpole
Essays from the British poet writes about her favorite cat.
Pope (Pope) Leo XII
Have a cat named Micette red to ash-gray with black lines. Micette born in the Vatican and the Pope also died with the other.
The first Siamese cat brought to the U.S. gift to President Rutherford B. Hayes.
Sir Isaac Newton
A scientist who discovered gravity, made a special door to comfort her beloved cat is now better known as cat flap.
Sir Walter Scott
Having a cat that given the Hinse, known to interfere with the dog belonged to Sir Walter Scott
Théophile Steinlen
Swiss artist has a house in Paris known as the â € € œCats cornerâ??.
TS Elliot
English poet who had won the Nobel prize was also a cat lover, and a lot of writing since about the cat. One of them œOld possumsâ € â € ™ s Book of Practical Catsâ €?? made music by Andrew Lloyd Weber became a famous musical composition.
Theodore Roosevelt
Have a cat named Slippers gray (blue paint), has more than five fingers.
Vanna White
This popular author has 2 cats often called fortune wheel (Wheel of Fortune).
Victor Hugo
Famous French writer of this writing about the cat kesyangannya in his diary.

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