June 03, 2010



Somali cat race is a version of "semi-long hair" from the Abyssinian. Around the year 1920 until the 1930s, from a breeding program, this version of the semi-long hair appeared spontaneously. Some Abyssinian kitten has a tail with a thick feather, inflate like a brush and long hair that covers the entire body.
Long hair is a recessive gene (lost / covered) compared with the short hair gene. At first long-haired cats are not recognized. Many Abyssinian breeders do not want to admit that some of the kittens they produce long-haired, because it shows the genetic impurity Aby cats belong to them. In order to improve the stability of the genetic type of cat Aby, Aby long hairy removed from the breeding program and has been hidden. Only about 1960 breeders in the United States began to develop a long-haired Aby and registered as a separate race called Somali. New Somali in 1978 is considered as one race with genetic traits that is stable and has a class of its own role in the contest held by a cat Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). In 1991 the organization's cat enthusiasts English (Great Britain Cat Association) to recognize and participate in the contest to allow Somali cats.
Somali characteristics similar to the Abyssinian, unless the long fur. As in the Persian exotic longhair and shorthair, persian these two races have similar characteristics, except for feather length. Some other races are also formed from the long fur variations, such as the Cymric (long hair version of the Manx) and Tiffanie (long hair version of burmilla).
Unlike most other long haired cats, hair loss in cats Somali less. Usually "feather falling" This occurs regularly on long-haired cats. In Somali, hair loss / hair dressing only happens twice a year.
Characteristic Somalis are semi long hair cat with big ears and bushy tail feathers like the tail expand mongoose. Somali cats are medium-sized body and well-developed muscles. How to stand a slightly raised and gracefully give as if standing on tiptoe way ..
Acting like Abyssinian, Somali also has a color pattern that is more often ticked Tabby Tabby called agouti. Tabby color pattern is characterized by alternating pattern like the letter "M" above the eye. Tabby agouti trait is to have two or three stripes with different colors on each strand of hair.

Color Color And Pattern There are four main color-recognized Somali race in America, namely: Ruddy, Red, Blue and Fawn. In Europe, the color red is more often called "Sorrel." European cat clubs also began to develop a variety of silver color.
Ruddy is the agouti color pattern on the Somali Tabby / Abyssinian with camouflage color / black marking. Gray camouflage color is called blue, while the Fawn is a greenish brown color.
See also: Color and color patterns in cats Solid color Tabby color pattern

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