June 03, 2010



Centuries ago, people in Burma to make the Khmer temple of Lao-Tsun as a place to worship the goddess with sapphire blue eyes named Tsun-Kyan-KSE. A priest named Mun-ha, often knelt in meditation before the golden statue of the goddess with a white cat named Sinh. At one point when the robbers attacked the temple and Mun-Ha was killed as a result.
After Mun-Ha died were killed, Sinh put his foot on the body of his master and faced the statue of the goddess Tsun-Kyan-KSE. Then his white fur changed color to gold and yellow eyes turn blue like the eyes of the goddess Tsun-Kyan-KSE. Color changed to brown all four feet of land. But the claws are placed on the body of his master remain white, symbolizing purity.
The next day, hundreds of cats who live at the temple also has the same color as the Sinh. Sinh never leave the shrine until his death seven days later. Then the soul master Sinh bring spirits to heaven. Since then the temple if there is a cat to death, spirits are believed to have a priest who accompanied the ghost cat in the journey of the afterlife. At this point the legend ends and history begins.
In 1919, two French nationals, Auguste Pavie and Gordon Russell, came to the temple to help the priests in the temple. As a token of thanks, the pastor sent a pair of Birman cats. Unfortunately, male cats die on the trip, but apparently a female cat is pregnant.
Birman race early, at around the year 1925, derived from a pair of cats named Orloff and Xenia de Kaabaa. Ras was deteriorated due to the recession and world war two. Only one pair of cats that had survived through these hard times. Ras Birman was recognized in Great Britain in 1966. New in the next year the American admitted the race, when the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) recognizes the standardization of races.

Typical features of Birman Cats Birman cat race is a medium-sized cat weighing 4-6 kg male cat. the females are usually slightly smaller than males. Birman only have blue eye color.
This race color pattern resembles the Siamese race known as the "Colour point" (the dark color of the ears, face, tail and four legs) unless all four feet and paws (paw), who is white. Body is straight with long, sustained strong legs. Head large and round, there is a little indentation on the nose, while the eye is almost round and blue. Medium-sized ears with the tip curved.
Neck and tail feathers grow perfect, thick and smooth. Body coat color is paler than the color of points on both ears, face, legs and tail. Which membenadan with Siamese and Himalayan Race is white on all four toes. This white color should be symmetrical, not exceeding the ankle.
Birman has a wonderful temperament. They are relatively intelligent and very close attachment to their owners. This race also like being around humans. Sometimes these cats were also seen frequently adjust the schedule to the owner. Cat owners often wait to go home, "Just to say Hello as soon as you get home."

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