June 08, 2010

Kittens Keep Survive After Washed in Washing Machine

SYDNEY - Love once the fate of the kitten, named Kimba. This type of Persian cat washing machine washed in a high speed.

The owner was shocked absurdly, when finished washing machine and opened the cover, see that poor kitten out. Thick white furry cat that looks wet, dizzy, and terrified.

"He suffered from shock. I do not think if he can survive the washing machine scouring," said the owner, Brendon Rogers, in Manly Vale, Sydney, Australia, quoted by Reuters on Friday (28/05/2010).

Four-month-old cat that seems to breathe out of breath and his eyes were in pain. This is caused by soapy water that tore during the "wash".

Presumably, these pet into the machine, when the owner was busy sorting choose clothes that will be cleaned.


Ailurophilia construed as an excessive fondness for cats. Ailurophilia is the opposite of meaning ailurophobia exaggerated fear of cats.

Normally, a cat owner would have loved cats. To feed every day, vitamins, vaccines routinely or bathing and combing hair cat. Holding and stroking her cat soft fur would have become their daily activities. This affection will be stopped or reduced after the cat died. Cat owners gradually began to forget the cat or look for another cat as a substitute.

Lainhalnya with Asperger ailurophilia. Sense of ownership and the excessive affection did not stop when the cat died. They save his dead cats in freezer (refrigerator). In some severe cases, up to hundreds of carcasses stored in freezers. The ailurophilia sufferers are often also called Cat Collector.

Cat Flu

Flu disease often occur in cats, especially in cats that have not been vaccinated and easily communicable to other cats. The disease is rarely fatal in adult cats but can be fatal if the kitten attacked. Although in adult cats rarely fatal, disease symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing can last long enough. Therefore, routine preventive vaccination is the best course of action.

What is cat flu?
Cat flu is a disease in cats is usually caused by infection with one or a combination of several viruses (calici virus and herpes virus) and bacteria.

How does this disease spread?

Maneki Neko's Legend

Many Japanese legend which tells the origin of Maneki Neko. Of the seven known legend, there are three of the most famous. Ie Goutokuji Temple Legend, showgirl Usugumo of Yoshiwara and legends old woman from Imado.

Legend of  Goutokuji Temple

In the early Edo period (17th century) there is a temple located in Setagaya, west of Tokyo. The temple priest keep a cat named Tama. The pastor often speaks and sometimes a little complained to Tama about the poor condition of the temple. "Tama, although I take care of the poor in this temple, could you do something for this temple?", Hoping the preacher at the Tama.
One time, a ruler of Hikone district (western part of Tokyo), named Naotaka Li's home hunting. He avoids the rain shelter under a large tree located in front of the temple gate. A cat signaling naotaka invited to take shelter in the temple genbang. Not long after naotaka shelter at the temple gate, a large tree was struck by lightning. Naotaka's life was saved thanks to Tama.

June 03, 2010



United States
In 1967 the owner of Cattery Neotype named Jennie Robinson (New York). Buying a pair of cats named Thomas and Shirley, which is part of the sales package of a home. The cats are brown, furry semi longhair and semi-foreign body type. Not much is known about the background of the two cats.
Two years later, Shirley gave birth to six kittens. All of these kittens like her mother, brown solid. Jennie Robinson later decided to start a breeding program cat. Beginning in 1970 registering Jennie Robinson Thomas, Shirley and all his descendants in the ACA (American Association of paint) as a Foreign Ras-Longhairs.
Some breeders think cats is a Burmese descent. But the children cat fur with dark pink color of your foot or brown. Not colored sepia (dark brown) that are characteristic Burmese. Almost all cats All the cats of this breed USA descended from Thomas and Shirley; none arose from donor Were Bred to Burmese.
Some cats are sold to Sigyn Lund (Sig Tim Hil Cattery), a woman and race Burmese cat breeder from Florida. He also introduced the term Ras Tiffany. Since the number of cats that a little, not long before Tiffany ACA eliminate from the list of their race.

Japanese Bobtail


Japanese Bobtail cat is one race that is formed naturally. As the name implies, race cat with short tail (bobtail) was originated from Japan. This cat race has existed for several centuries. The cats are much mentioned and described in various ancient documents which originated from Japan.
Various stories, legends and myths associated with this race. One well-known manifestation of this race is "Maneki Neko". Described as a Japanese bobtail cat who was sitting with one front leg raised. Pose these cats are well known, is a symbol of "luck" and "welcome". Statue of a cat or a doll with these positions, even with hands that move as if waving commonly found in stores owned by China, made.

Bobtail cat ancestor, first brought to Japan from Southeast Asia, about 1000 years ago. Also mentioned the cats are used by farmers and makers of silk from Japan to keep them from their agricultural pests rats.
Interest that people of one race this cat as its own, began after World War II. Those Americans who lived in Japan many bobtail cats as their pets at home. 

American Bobtail


American Bobtail cat is one race that evolved through natural selection. Although forest cats bobtail (short tail) has existed in America since the first, a new breeding program began to develop around the late '60s.
The main characteristic of this race is thick and short tail, about one third of normal long-tailed cat. As well as the Manx cat, short tail shape is the result of genetic mutation.
A young couple and a family named Sanders found a male bobtail kitten Tabby brown colored, in the area of Indian cultural heritage located in the southern part of Arizona. It is estimated that the kitten is from a wild Bobcat cat who married the local cat. The young couple was wed male cat with a normal-tailed female cat. Then the kittens was born with a short tail (bobtail). From children bobtail cat american race is formed.

American and Japanese bobtail bobtail completely unrelated. Although the name and form of cat-like, the cats are involved in breeding programs both races is not the slightest touch


Balinese and sienk terms have different meanings. Sienk race name was inspired by Balinese and Javanese and Balinese dancers movements are graceful, elegant and soft. In Europe, the term sienk and Balinese alike refer to the cat of oriental type of race and color solid. As with the cat club in America. Balinese and Javanese have a different meaning.
Basically, Balinese and Javanese cats are cats with oriental body types and both have long hair. Both these races and body types have the same properties with Siamese cats. That distinguishes it from the Siamese cat is the length of his fur. Javanese and Balinese and Siamese cats originated from the same point as having a color pattern (color point). The main difference is the color of Javanese and Balinese pointnya color.
Some clubs such as TICA cat, Javanese and Balinese to classify in one same race that is Balinese. Balinese and Javanese CFA distinguish color from color pointnya. Cats with traditional point color (solid) are seal point, blue point, chocolate point and lilac point is classified as a Balinese. While sienk is having a color point which is non-traditional (non-solid) such as lynx point, tortoishell point, red point, cream point, etc..



Many historical records that show a cat with short legs. One of them was in 1944, a veterinarian named HE Williams describes four generations of cats with short legs that live wild in the UK. The cats are alive with the sound and moves like a mongoose. Unfortunately, these cats have disappeared during World War II.
Around the year 1953 Max Von Egon Thiel, a German, reported seeing a short-legged cat in Stalingrad. Then for years there was no longer the development of short-legged cats. New in 1983 occurred Munchkin significant developments.
In 1983, a music teacher from Louisiana named Sandra Hochenedel, find the two cats are trapped under the truck because the dog chased. Both cats are currently in a state of pregnancy / pregnant. A cat is gray while the other is black. The two cats, named Blueberry, and Blackberry. Both these cat-sized feet short, not like normal cats.

Some children also have short legs Blackberry as its parent. One child was sent to a friend named Kay LaFrance sandra. Then the cat, named Toulouse. Kay then breed the Toulouse and make a lot of short-legged cats.
Munchkin cats listed today largely the descendants of Blackberry and Toulouse.

American Wirehair (AWH)


American Wirehair (AWH) is a race of cats that were born from spontaneous genetic mutations of the cat who lived on a farm in New York, United States around the year 1966. Red-colored male cat Tabby and white cat is the only one who can live to adulthood. Cats are then given the name Adam of the Council Rock Hi-Fi. Cats with this genetic mutation have a strand of hair is stiff and wrinkled like a wire. Even his whiskers had come stiff and wrinkled.
A Havana Brown cat breeders and German rex, Joan Oa € ™ Shea interested in this uniqueness. He tries to wed the mother cat to produce the same child, but several times his efforts meet with failure. At the suggestion of a cat geneticist named Roy Robinson, Joan marries Council Rock with several female cat who turned out to produce seedlings with stiff hairs.



This cat is the result of racial crossing domestic cats with bengal. The objective is to generate a small tiger could be invited to play and kept in the house. Toyger word itself is an abbreviation of "Toy Tiger" (tigers who can be invited to play).
Ras Toyger discovered and developed by Judy Sugden, owner of a cattery in America named "EEYAAS Cattery". Toyger produced by crossing striped domestic cat (Tabby) short hairy, with Tabby Bengal Standard. After years of hard work, marriage cats produce cats with colors resembling tiger stripes.
This race is still in pengembangan.Pertama times recognized for registration by The International Cat Association (TICA) in the early 1990s. Some breeders in the U.S. and UK tried to develop this race. Toyger get the status of Preliminary New Breed in 2000. And in May the year 2007 is expected to gain full status in the contest cat (Championship status).



Cymric is a long hair version of the Manx race. Cymric and Manx come from a small island located in the sea between England and Ireland. Many people suspect is a cross between a Manx Cymric with Persia which occurred about 30-40 year's. Meanwhile, many also argue that the Cymric is not a hybrid.

Cymric development began in 1960. Two breeders cat named Blair Wright (Canada) and Leslie Falteisek (United States) has decided to replicate a long-haired Manx cat. They are also a standard and then refine the genetic properties of Cymric.
This race was originally named Longhaired Manx, Cymric later changed to around the year 1989-1990. Cymric (pronounced kim kum factory or factory) itself actually means wales (UK).



Tiffanie is a version of the long hair (semi-longhair) from burmilla race. Burmilla race itself is a hybrid of Burmese and Chinchilla (Persian).
Semi-longhair types first appeared in the mid 80s accidentally from a breeding program. Since the early formed, Ras Burmilla carry the recessive long hair gene is derived from the Persian Chinchilla. From time to time appears long-haired kitten who carry this recessive gene.
At first long-haired cats are not considered important by the breeder, because they do not have the desired characteristics of the race burmilla. However, a small group of breeders trying to develop a long-haired cats are burmilla. Gradually, their efforts began to succeed, race Tiffanie gaining in popularity.
In 1991 Ras Tiffanie obtain preliminary status of the GCCF, their status increased so in control in 1999. Hopefully within a few years that are still relatively new race will get the status of the GCCF Championship.
Ras Cats Tiffanie
CharacteristicTiffanie is a medium sized cat with smooth and soft fur. On the neck feathers are more long-form like a lion's mane. Bagain tail feathers on too long and soft. In general body shape is a mixture burnese and Chinchilla. One unique feature is the mascara Chinchilla, namely local black / dark around  the eyes.

Exotic Shorthair


The late 50's the American Shorthair cat breeders (ASH) began secretly wed the silver Persian cat race with the ASH. Marriage with the aim to enrich the genetic, improve body shape and type as well as producing silver color.
The result of the marriage of American Shorthair cats with the characteristics of persia. Head more rounded and wide, over a snub nose, ears smaller, more compact body and wide, hair softer, thicker and longer than ASH. Appearances are very beautiful hybrid race, but does not show the actual characteristics of ASH.
In 1966, Jane Martinke, a jury CFA (Cat Fanciersâ € ™ Association) and also a breeder ASH, filed a racial mixture of Persian-ASH as a new race.
In the first race of the invite much debate and rejection. The persian breeder persian cat refused to sell them to fans of exotic. Enthusiasts exotic genes to survive and begin to strengthen the short hairs with their cats mated with race Burmese, Russian Blue and British Shorthair.



 In 1981 a woman named Miranda Bickford-Smith bought a cat Chinchilla (chinchilla persian) male for a birthday gift to her husband. The cat was named Sanquist fingers. Miranda neighbors have a female cat named Ras Bambino Lilac Burmese Fabergà ©. At one point Faberge entered the fertile period (lust, get married), the owner mengrung Faberge in order not to marry another cat. Somehow Faberge Sanquist berhasiil out and visit.
From marriage Sanquist (Ras Persian Chinchilla) and Faberge (Ras Burmese), was born four short furry tail kitten, black with silver shade of color patterns. Fourth this cats have distinctive temperament and nature. Finally decided to start a race in a controlled breeding program.
Burmilla word itself is a mix of Burmese and Chinchilla. New in 1984 races Burmilla recognized standard. But only in the year 1997 is recognized as a race Burmilla cats with genetic traits that stable. In the UK, Fife Burmilla has gained recognition as a race of cat in the contest in 1990.
Burmilla appearance



A geneticist and breeder cats in California attempted to cross the Asian Leopard Cat with the American Shorthair. Hybridization was conducted to find patterns of wild-catâ œspotted â € €? on domestic cats. Furthermore, children of female offspring is crossed back with his father to produce kittens with spotted pattern which was then known as the race of Bengal. This race is descended from the wild-cat and is still rarely encountered.
Bengal name itself comes from the Asian Leopard Cat's scientific name is often referred to as the Bengal Tiger.
Dr 1973. Centerwall of California University to continue the program in order to obtain crossing the Asian Leopard Cat Feline Leukemia resistant to disease caused by a virus. Year 1983 was registered in the club races TICA, Fife has only recently admitted it. Bengal recently introduced in France in 1991.

British Shorthair


British Shorthair cat is one of the oldest races known to man. It is believed that the ancestors of this race associated with the nation's first Roman who ever mastered English.
After the Romans attacked and mastered English, English agriculture began to be developed. Along with agricultural development, there is the need to protect crops from attacks by rats. Roman soldiers carrying a cat to keep agricultural products. The cats are cats called workers, because they have to work to get food. Cats are not kept as pets.
The cats are living independently in the barn and farm with very little influence from humans. Cat population began to flourish. When the Romans left, England are isolated from other parts of the world. For several hundred years no longer import new cat. The cats that already exist in the UK to breed freely, resulting in a cat with a sturdy body and accompanied by a thick beautiful coat.
Late 1800s England fans began to notice a cat in the cat and began to realize its beauty. In the first cat contest at Crystal Palace, London in 1871, these cats get a lot of awards. Year 1889 British shorthair cats get status as a separate race. In 1907, the British established the British fans cats Cat Club. Then the popularity of british shorthair persian decreased by race unbeaten and Siamese.



Early 1930s, Dr. Joseph Thompson of San Francisco imported a dark brown female cat from Burma. Cat named Wong Mau. Because at that moment no cat with the same race, Wong wanted mated with a Siamese cat. Some kids want to have Wong siamese cat characteristics, this indicates that the Burmese cat Wong want is not pure, but the Tonkinese. Because if wong want is Burmese, all the kids with Siamese cats must tonkinese (mink pattern). Wong is known as a cat would tonkinese first.
After several generations, began to produce kittens with three different colors and stable properties. The cats were obtained by mating with mink mink-colored cat again.
Burmese race known in the U.S. since 1936 and is recognized by the CFA in 1947. At that time only recognized color Sable, and the early 1960s began to produce other colors. Breeder in the UK's first Burmese imports from U.S. in 1947 and was recognized by its presence there in 1952.



Note that there is indicated in brown Siamese cat in the 1800s is actually a cat tonkinese. But the first recorded tonkinese named Wong Mau, a cat who was brought from Burma to the United States there in the 1930s.
In the 1950s, a cat owner in New York who named Milan Greer, began mengembangbiakan cat which he called â € œGolden Siameseâ €??. This resulted from the Golden Siamese Siamese with Burmese cats mating. At first, this breeding program aims to produce a cat with a mahogany color and the color of dark points.
Greer produce cats with œgenetik murniâ € â €? this for five generations. Her cats are very popular around the year 1950-1960. Greer produce brown cat with dark brown color or seal point. After five generations, the greer loses his interest to continue breeding her cats.
Coincidentally, around the beginning of 1960, a fan of cats in Canada, named Margaret Conroy, decided to cross the color siamese sealpoint with colored Burmese Sable (dark brown). At that point Siamese cat does not have the genetic properties of pure and stabilized.
With the help of some friends, Conroy wrote a few standard races and took them to paint the Canadian association. In 1960 the race has been recognized in Canada.



Somali cat race is a version of "semi-long hair" from the Abyssinian. Around the year 1920 until the 1930s, from a breeding program, this version of the semi-long hair appeared spontaneously. Some Abyssinian kitten has a tail with a thick feather, inflate like a brush and long hair that covers the entire body.
Long hair is a recessive gene (lost / covered) compared with the short hair gene. At first long-haired cats are not recognized. Many Abyssinian breeders do not want to admit that some of the kittens they produce long-haired, because it shows the genetic impurity Aby cats belong to them. In order to improve the stability of the genetic type of cat Aby, Aby long hairy removed from the breeding program and has been hidden. Only about 1960 breeders in the United States began to develop a long-haired Aby and registered as a separate race called Somali. New Somali in 1978 is considered as one race with genetic traits that is stable and has a class of its own role in the contest held by a cat Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). In 1991 the organization's cat enthusiasts English (Great Britain Cat Association) to recognize and participate in the contest to allow Somali cats.
Somali characteristics similar to the Abyssinian, unless the long fur. As in the Persian exotic longhair and shorthair, persian these two races have similar characteristics, except for feather length. Some other races are also formed from the long fur variations, such as the Cymric (long hair version of the Manx) and Tiffanie (long hair version of burmilla).